
The Mission of Carriglea Cáirde Services is to continue the work of the Bon Sauveur Congregation and to provide a comprehensive quality service for persons with an intellectual disability in accordance with Christian Values and the principles of the Congregation.

Carriglea Cáirde Services aims to:

  • Enable and empower persons with an intellectual disability to integrate into society and to reach their full potential in a just and caring environment
  • Ensure that each person is granted as full a life as possible, including healthcare, education, training, housing, work and leisure

It is the mission of Carriglea Cáirde Services to provide an individual and holistic service to each person availing of the Services insofar as funding levels will permit. To achieve this objective, the work of Carriglea Cáirde Services is undertaken collaboratively with families, personnel, the relevant agencies, the wider voluntary sector and the local community.



Core Values

Our values as an organisation are the qualities that we collectively agree are necessary to perform our work and attain our mission. As a Service we will strive to uphold and practice the following values:

 Person Centred Services

  • Listen to people in the services to discover their needs and wishes and seek to develop supports and services to meet these needs.
  • Respect the rights of people with intellectual disabilities to make informed decisions regarding their own lives. Support the voices of service users to be heard both inside & outside the service.


  • Providing an equitable service for all and treating each person fairly. Respecting Human rights and making people aware of those rights.


  • Be innovative by being open to change, putting forward new ideas and activities, allowing freedom of expression, adopting new ways of doing things, listening to all initiatives and utilising the strengths of staff and service users.


  • Service Users will have the highest standard of care, health promotion, person centred planning, good care and safe working environment.
  • All staff will engage in accurate, timely reporting and record keeping, effective resource management, effective communications, continuous quality improvement and advocacy and involvement of family members.


  • Hospitality creates a warm welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels at home.


  • Compassion is feeling with another in their discomfort or suffering, striving to understand the other’s experience with a willingness to act in solidarity.


  • Respect is the attitude which treasures the unique dignity of every person and recognises the sacredness of all creation.


  • Collaborate with each service user by allowing them to express their desires and needs and by including them in decisions regarding their lives.
  • Collaborate with our co-workers by respecting each others’ points of view and valuing each others’ contributions, working together and sharing the workload, remembering to say thank you, encouraging each other.
  • Continue to promote team involvement through all disciplines.
  • Collaborate with other agencies to share knowledge and skills and advocate on behalf of service users.